Goodreads Roundup 07w37-41 Roundup

by timothy.

Goodreads Roundup for the past month or so

2007 week 37 (Sept 10 – 16)

1. Brown Clark Nonfiction Search Engine
What do Toronto blogger Joe Clark, Suicide Food, Nonfiction, and the new CBC Radio 1 show/podcast Search Engine have in common?

2. The President of 9/11 and the 9/11 of Britney
On the sixth anniversary everyone was talking about Britney Spear’s disastrous performance at the MTV Video awards. But the occasion also brings to mind Rudolph Giuliani’s exploitation of the events.

3. The Mediocrity of Music
…..Derivative of Pavement…. par l’Onion

4. Nature isn’t always cruel
A friendship between a monkey and a pigeon

2007 week 38 (Sept 17 – 23)

Police State
The US has some pretty fucked up shit going on with its over zealous ‘law-enforcement’.

2007 week 39 (Sept 24 – 30)

1. William Gibson roundup
Collection of Gibson related links, including my interview with him.

2. Speechless
This is all shake-your-head with incredulity stuff. More insanity from the USA.

3. Matador
Toronto wants to turn a potential heritage-site and neighborhood landmark into a 20-spot parking lot. The civic-pride swells.

4. Sheila Heti Interview
Ms. Heti comments and I respond.

2007 week 40 (Oct 1 – 7)

1. No Shit Sherlock
Like, who would have guessed that Leibeskind’s crystal would be hard to mount exhbitions within, and would raise the window-cleaning budget of the museum? In addition, who would have thought that all those windows, sloping at those angles, wouldn’t leak? Nor that kids would try to mount the ramps? And, to top it all off, this gem of elitist disdain: ‘One of our major bugbears was that William wanted everything open and accessible,’ says Janet Waddington, assistant curator of paleontology. ‘But you can’t do that – the Toronto public is extraordinarily destructive.’

2. One Laptop Per Child
The NY Time’s David Pogue reviews Negroponte’s ‘$100 Laptop’ designed to bring computation to the world’s masses.

3. A googolplex of megabytes
Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered twenty years ago; this from the official magazine details both that world, and in some ways, our present one.

4. The Creation of Life
The present has caught up with a Dutch novelist’s rather good book.

5. Stupid to the last drop
A review of a book with that title critical of Alberta’s oil industry.

6. As Filmed, As Shown
Two YouTube videos from Jimmy Kimmel Live of Mute Math’s peformance of their song ‘Typical’. It was filmed in reverse and shown forward.

2007 week 41 (Oct 8 – 14)

1. Félix Fénéeon 1861-1944
An article on the French writer.

2. More ‘art-world is too rich for its own good’ bitching.
The first half of this decade saw stories in the MSM complaining that art was too theoretical, and in this latter half, we are seeing stories complaining that the art world is too rich.

3. Which way is she spinning?
An optical illusion.

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