Posts Tagged “USA”

04w38:2 Creative Bush Craziness

by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 38 number 2 (creative bush craziness)

Both these posts come via Mark Federman’s What is the Message? weblog at the U of T McLuhan Centre. – Timothy


Bush vs. Jesus | Mad Magazine
What if W was runnin’ against his homeboy in the sky?

George Bush sings ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ | rx
the ironic joys of sampling

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emailed by Timothy on Wednesday 15 September 2004 @ 1:44 AM

04w37:1 No School and Zell Miller

by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 37 number 1 (no school and zell miller)


Against School | John Taylor Gatto
“I taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in some of the best, and during that time I became an expert in boredom. Boredom was everywhere in my world, and if you asked the kids, as I often did, why they felt so bored, they always gave the same answers: They said the work was stupid, that it made no sense, that they already knew it. They said they wanted to be doing something real, not just sitting around. They said teachers didn’t seem to know much about their subjects and clearly weren’t interested in learning more. And the kids were right: their teachers were every bit as bored as they were. […]After a long life, and thirty years in the public school trenches, I’ve concluded that genius is as common as dirt. We suppress our genius only because we haven’t yet figured out how to manage a population of educated men and women. The solution, I think, is simple and glorious. Let them manage themselves.” Article Date: Sept 2003

Sen. Zill Miller Interview | Chris Matthews & Zell Miller
This is the interview everyone is talking about; the actual challenge occurs at a bout 06.39. Requires Windows Media Player 9 (available here for OS X) and good bandwidth.

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emailed by Timothy on Monday 06 September 2004 @ 9:01 PM


by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 36 number 2

Note: anyone still using as my email address, please note that this address is dead dead, and that the reply-to for this email can be used instead. – Timothy

Hell looks an awful lot like the Republican convention | John Doyle
“Tuesday evening it was Arnold Schwarzenegger telling implausible stories about the Soviet menace in the Austria of his boyhood, and extolling the United States as if it was the only country with jobs, business opportunity and freedom of the press. Austria is now a member country of the European Union, with better guarantees on health care and wages than any state in America. Nobody mentioned that. Then came the Bush twins. The twins were on-stage, giggling and making a joke of their wealth, ignorance and indolence. On Wednesday morning, when MSNBC reviewed the twins’ appearance, a gossip columnist from a New York paper was interviewed about their fabulous partying. You could feel the envy in the attitude of the reporters. Next came their mom, Laura Bush. To underline the success of her husband’s policies, she cited ‘the only woman to own a tow-truck company in all of Iowa.’ Lady, women all over the world have been owning and running businesses for decades. Your country is no beacon of hope in that regard. Not that anyone among the TV reporters and analysts was going to say that.”

Twin Terrors | Julia Turner
“Sure, the girls threw in some praise for their dad. But mostly, they congratulated themselves on their momentous decision to campaign for him. ‘Jenna and I are NOT very political,’ Barbara said, with the odd bursts of emphasis that she and Jenna employed throughout the night. ‘But we love our dad TOO much to stand back and watch from the sidelines.’ […] To be fair, the twins almost certainly didn’t write this dreck. And the material they were given was unusually difficult: What kind of speechwriter, assigned to come up with something for two novices to deliver on live television, writes a joke-laden address that requires the comedic timing of a late-night talk show host? ”

[answer:Karen Hughes]-TC

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emailed by Timothy on Thursday 02 September 2004 @ 2:46 PM


by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 35 number 1


Only the jester speaks the truth | Vinay Menon
“Jon Stewart claims he’s a fake newsman. But these days, his impact on politics and media is undeniably real. […] During a May appearance on Fox News Channel, the bombastic Sean Hannity asked Stewart, ‘Are you liberal or conservative or do you even care?’ Stewart: ‘I don’t care. I mean, I’m not even sure if those paradigms hold true any more.’ Or, as Stewart told Entertainment Weekly last year, ‘The point of view of this show is we’re passionately opposed to bullshit.’ In this age of spin and stupidity, where politicians and their pliable cheerleaders are the merchants of bullshit, his attitude explains why The Daily Show has become must-see TV.”

Fuck New York |
Translating it for the kids – Quicktime MOV 9.12MB

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emailed by Timothy on Thursday 26 August 2004 @ 9:59 PM

04w29:2 The Kooky Bush Administration

by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 29 number 2 (the kooky Bush administration)

Sometimes I Hate To Be Right | Mark Federman
“Last fall, I gave an interview to Voices Without Votes 2004 in which I speculated about the possibility of the Bush Administration delaying the election. […] A frightening prospect indeed, especially when CNN and Reuters are reporting today that the Bush Administration is investigating ways to ‘obtain the authority to delay the November presidential election in case of an attack by al Qaeda.'”

Let Them Eat Wedding Cake | Barbara Ehrenreich
“[The Bush administration has] been avidly promoting marriage among poor women – the straight ones anyway. […] It is equally unclear how marriage will cure poor women’s No. 1 problem, which is poverty – unless, of course, the plan is to draft C.E.O.’s to marry recipients of T.A.N.F. (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families). Left to themselves, most women end up marrying men of the same social class as their own, meaning – in the case of poverty-stricken women – blue-collar men. But that demographic group has seen a tragic decline in earnings in the last couple of decades.”

Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness | Jeanne Lenzer
“While some praise the plan’s goals, others say it protects the profits of drug companies at the expense of the public. Bush established the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in April 2002 to conduct a ‘comprehensive study of the United States mental health service delivery system.’ […] Bush instructed more than 25 federal agencies to develop an implementation plan based on those recommendations. The president’s commission found that ‘despite their prevalence, mental disorders often go undiagnosed’ and recommended comprehensive mental health screening for ‘consumers of all ages,’ including preschool children. According to the commission, ‘Each year, young children are expelled from preschools and childcare facilities for severely disruptive behaviours and emotional disorders.’ Schools, wrote the commission, are in a ‘key position’ to screen the 52 million students and 6 million adults who work at the schools. The commission also recommended ‘Linkage [of screening] with treatment and supports’ including ‘state-of-the-art treatments’ using ‘specific medications for specific conditions.’ The commission commended the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) as a ‘model’ medication treatment plan that ‘illustrates an evidence-based practice that results in better consumer outcomes.”

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emailed by Timothy on Tuesday 13 July 2004 @ 3:52 PM

04w24:2 Og Caligula

by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 24 number 2 (Oh Caligula)

Bush’s Erratic Behavior Worries White House Aides | Doug Thompson
“President George W. Bush’s increasingly erratic behavior and wide mood swings has the halls of the West Wing buzzing lately as aides privately express growing concern over their leader’s state of mind. […] ‘It reminds me of the Nixon days,’ says a longtime GOP political consultant with contacts in the White House. ‘Everybody is an enemy; everybody is out to get him. That’s the mood over there.’ […] Aides say the President gets ‘hung up on minor details,’ micromanaging to the extreme while ignoring the bigger picture. He will spend hours personally reviewing and approving every attack ad against his Democratic opponent and then kiss off a meeting on economic issues. […] Among top officials, Bush’s inner circle is shrinking. Secretary of State Colin Powell has fallen out of favor because of his growing doubts about the administration’s war against Iraq. The President’s abrupt dismissal of CIA Directory George Tenet Wednesday night is, aides say, an example of how he works. “

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emailed by Timothy on Tuesday 08 June 2004 @ 3:52 PM

04w23:1 Jon Stewart's Commencement Address

by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 23 number 1 (Jon Stewart’s Commencement Address)

Jon Stewart’s (’84) Commencement Address | Jon Stewart
“I am honored to be here and to receive this honorary doctorate. When I think back to the people that have been in this position before me from Benjamin Franklin to Queen Noor of Jordan, I can’t help but wonder what has happened to this place. Seriously, it saddens me. As a person, I am honored to get it; as an alumnus, I have to say I believe we can do better. […] I’m sure my fellow doctoral graduates -who have spent so long toiling in academia, sinking into debt, sacrificing God knows how many years of what, in truth, is a piece of parchment that in truth has been so devalued by our instant gratification culture as to have been rendered meaningless – will join in congratulating me. Thank you. […] Lets talk about the real world for a moment. […] I don’t really know to put this, so I’ll be blunt. We broke it. Please don’t be mad. I know we were supposed to bequeath to the next generation a world better than the one we were handed. So, sorry. I don’t know if you’ve been following the news lately, but it just kinda got away from us. Somewhere between the gold rush of easy internet profits and an arrogant sense of endless empire, we heard kind of a pinging noise, and uh, then the damn thing just died on us. So I apologize. But here’s the good news. You fix this thing, you’re the next greatest generation, people. You do this – and I believe you can – you win this war on terror, and Tom Brokaw’s kissing your ass from here to Tikrit, let me tell ya. And even if you don’t, you’re not gonna have much trouble surpassing my generation. If you end up getting your picture taken next to a naked guy pile of enemy prisoners and don’t give the thumbs up you’ve outdid us.”

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emailed by Timothy on Sunday 30 May 2004 @ 12:07 PM


by timothy.

Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 12 number 2


The Perpetual Adolescent | Joseph Epstein
“The people in those earlier baseball crowds, though watching a boyish game, nonetheless had a radically different conception of themselves than most Americans do now. […] they thought of themselves as adults, no longer kids, but grown-ups, adults, men. How different from today, when a good part of the crowd at any ballgame, no matter what the age, is wearing jeans and team caps and T-shirts […] Life in that different day was felt to observe the human equivalent of the Aristotelian unities: to have, like a good drama, a beginning, middle, and end. Each part, it was understood, had its own advantages and detractions, but the middle–adulthood–was the lengthiest and most earnest part, where everything serious happened and much was at stake.[…]Today, of course, all this has been shattered. The ideal almost everywhere is to seem young for as long as possible […] One of the many tenets in its credo–soon to become a cliché, but no less significant for that–was that no one over 30 was to be trusted. (If you were part of that movement and 21 years old in 1965, you are 60 today. Good morning, Sunshine.)”

Marketplace of Ideas: But First, The Bill | William Osborne
“As an American who has lived in Europe for the last 24 years, I see on a daily basis how different the American and European economic systems are, and how deeply this affects the ways they produce, market and perceive art. America advocates supply-side economics, small government and free trade – all reflecting a belief that societies should minimize government expenditure and maximize deregulated, privatized global capitalism. Corporate freedom is considered a direct and analogous extension of personal freedom. Europeans, by contrast, hold to mixed economies with large social and cultural programs. Governmental spending often equals about half the GNP. Europeans argue that an unmitigated capitalism creates an isomorphic, corporate-dominated society with reduced individual and social options. Americans insist that privatization and the marketplace provide greater efficiency than governments. These two economic systems have created something of a cultural divide between Europeans and Americans.”

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emailed by Timothy on Wednesday 17 March 2004 @ 10:54 PM

04w08:2 Tommy Toomuch Reality

by timothy.


eBay auction of ‘eight-six-seven-five-three-oh-nieeine’ on hold | Ian Demsky
“The phone number popularized by 1982’s one-hit wonder Tommy Tutone – Eight-six-seven-five-three-oh-nieeine – rings into a Murfreesboro used-car dealership in area code 615. Tuning in to national attention for the auction of New York’s 212 version of the number on eBay, the dealership put its number on the Internet auction block Monday. […] The bizarre convergence of ’80s pop culture and offbeat Internet auctions made ABC’s Good Morning America on Friday. Before the auction was canceled, New York’s ‘Jenny’ was going for more than $200,000. ”

My Big Fat Obnoxious Prank | Joy Press
“Somehow we’ve grown accustomed to violation as prime-time entertainment. Violation of privacy – not only do we contend with security cameras in public spaces, the invasive threat of the USA Patriot Act, and cell phone users covertly snapping photos of people, but we also have hidden TV camera crews prowling through once anonymous city streets, looking to catch us at our most vulnerable. And violation of trust -more and more reality shows weave blatant deception into their basic premise, throwing unwitting victims into situations that range from the surreal and embarrassing to the downright traumatic. […]Critics may mock hidden-camera shows as the lowest rung of reality schlock, but the daddy of them all – Allen Funt’s Candid Camera -began with noble intentions. Funt believed that by secretly filming, he could reveal how average people respond to societal pressures and conflicts. ‘The worst thing, and I see it over and over, is how easily people can be led by any kind of authority figure,’ Funt once said. […] As McCarthy points out to me, ‘Networks have standards-and-practices offices to oversee things like swearing and sexuality and violence, but there’s nothing comparable to the institutional review boards that looks at the ethics of these programs.’ It’s left to the shows’ producers to think about where to draw the line – or not. ”

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emailed by Timothy on Wednesday 18 February 2004 @ 1:21 PM