08w10:2 Nullos Posted March 3rd, 2008 by timothy. Goodreads | 2008 week 10 number 2 (Nullos) I learned about Nullos through this Reddit link (included for its comment thread): http://el.reddit.com/info/67yf7/comments/ It linked to a copy of this article (itself pretty graphic): Interview with a Nullo http://www.eunuch.org/Alpha/I/ea_25408intervie.htm And the thread has link to these images (NSFW, graphic, I warned you): http://www.bmezine.com/service/samples/tour4.html This one being the most remarkable (a living Ken Doll): http://www.bmezine.com/service/samples/nullohigh/penec3.jpg And testimony from some anonymous who wants to have it done: “Where do I begin? Well I am 20 years old and I have a very strong desire to become a nullo. Preferably a genital nullo, which means Removal of the genitals and relocation of the urethra. Leaving a smooth surface. some people refer to people who have genital nullo as “smoothies”! This desire started when I was a child and only progressed when I went into my teen years. I remember perfectly when I was about 8, how I would look at my penis and testicles and pretend there was nothing there. I never thought about cutting it off or a preferred term, surgical removal. Because at age 8, I just pretended that it wasn’t there. Several years pass and I turn 13. By then I have hit puberty and I am getting normal erections.”
08w07:7 How Porn Ruined Sex Posted February 16th, 2008 by timothy. Goodreads | 2008 week 07 number 7 (How Porn Ruined Sex) How Porn Ruined Sex | Moe @ Jezebel.Com http://goodreads.ca/shorty/jezebel/porn/