Posts Tagged “Notice”

06w42:1 Lister Sinclair 1921-2006

by timothy.

My fellow Canadian CBC listeners, who plug your headphones into the computer at work and stream it as I do, who listen to it in the morning as you type your theses because you’re a television snob; who have come to appreciate the music for the news they introduced earlier this year as something iconic, and who may have fond memories of Peter Gzowski and the opening music to Morningside, you listeners know that Lister Sinclair died today, at age 85, in a Toronto hospital. The news made me think that’s how I’d like to go – in my 80s, with the radio playing Glenn Gould and Mozart in my honour. A good life, well spent, with everyone talking about how learned and kind you were. (Except for dying in a Toronto hospital – since I saw Dying at Grace I’ve felt it would be better to die in a ditch under the stars).

My first encounter with the voice of Lister Sinclair came in the summer of 1991. I was listening to EMF’s one-hit-wonder album that season, the single ‘Unbelievable’ on the endless repeat possible with dub cassette tapes and rewind. I’d work away at my Commodore 64 and listen to Side A and then Side B, and through this learned how to spell the word ‘believe’ since it was a song title. And on one of these songs there was a sample of a BBC Shakespeare radio play with a gravitas accented announcer. I was naive enough at the time to wonder, when I was rolling my radio tuner sometime after 9pm that night, if this voice speaking about nightingales was the voice from the album. Later I’d untangled the confusion but I was hooked to the strangeness of that broadcast, one of the series of things that begin with a certain letter, or something themed around a colour. Anyway, I tuned in at 9 the following night to catch more.

This, my friends, was an example of the CBC being hip, a far cry from George Stroumboulopoulos’ latest hints that he pierced his cock, which is how the CBC is trying to sell it today. Lister Sinclair’s sober weirdness made a much stronger impression on my sense of teenage cool than the middle class punk aesthetic which now passes for hipster ways.

Ideas is running a three part tribute over the next three nights, where it is 9pm local throughout Canada.

In the last Goodreads, sent on Friday, I promoted that evening’s Ideas, and now the voice who once presented its ideas has gone. This Goodreads serves the double purpose of sharing my thoughts on the matter (I hope you don’t mind) and to inform you that the episode on ‘Economics and Social Justice’ which I promoted will be an Ideas podcast on November 20th. In the meantime, I’m working on a transcription from the recording I made, which I’ll post on the site on that date. – Timothy


Thank You, Mr. Sinclair | CBC

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emailed by Timothy on Monday 16 October 2006 @ 8:44 PM

06w34:1 Reading in August?

by timothy.

Just a note to answer the question posed by some: ‘where’s my Goodreads?’ Goodreads has been taking August off. In the meantime, those in Canada should pick up this weekend’s Globe & Mail for the profile of Michael Ignatieff. – Timothy

To remove or add yourself to this list, go here

emailed by Timothy on Saturday 26 August 2006 @ 4:22 PM

06w06:1 A Note about Goodreads for Yahoo subscribers

by timothy.

A note about the mailing list: since the end of December there have been some problems getting the messages through anti-spam software. Specifically, Yahoo hasn’t allowed the last two messages through. There’s little I can do about this. You might want to try the RSS feed, or keep checking the website now and then. – Timothy

emailed by Timothy on Friday 10 February 2006 @ 6:22 PM

Make Poverty History

by timothy.


Make Poverty History

Dear Timothy Comeau:

Thank you for supporting the Make Poverty History campaign. Your name has been
added to the ballooning list of supporters who have committed to the goals of
this campaign.

Now it’s time to make sure every person you know does the same. Poverty
eradication is possible, so let’s encourage hundreds of thousands of others to
get on board.

There is no time to lose. Please forward this message to everyone in your
address book.
Tell them to join with thousands of others across the planet to
once and for all make poverty history.

Thanks again. We’re excited to make poverty history? with you.

Liz Bernstein
and the MPH Campaign Team
tel 613.241.5293


Dear Friend,

Today, I became part of an unprecedented global call to action to end poverty:
Make Poverty History

Right now, there is active campaigning in over 50 countries around the three
core demands: More and Better Aid, Make Trade Fair, and Cancel the Debt. In
Canada, we’re also campaigning to End Child Poverty in Canada.

You’ve just got to be a part of this campaign.

Go to and sign on to the campaign yourself.

There is no time to lose. It doesn’t matter who or where you are, your voice is
*critical* to the success of this campaign. This is a rare chance to join me and
thousands of others across the planet to once and for all make poverty history.

What are you waiting for? Join me and click in!

Timothy Comeau

What you can do right *now*:

* Sign on to the campaign
* Tell Paul Martin to commit to a timeline for 0.7%
* Click others into action – forward this message to your networks

/”If everyone who wants to see an end to poverty, hunger and suffering speaks
out, then the noise will be deafening. Politicians will have to listen.”/
– Archbishop Desmond Tutu

emailed by Timothy on Tuesday 07 June 2005 @ 10:35 PM