Posts Tagged “Responses & Follow-ups”

04w22:1 Followups

by timothy.


Charles W. Cushman Photograph Collection | Indiana University
“Charles Weever Cushman, amateur photographer and Indiana University alumnus, bequeathed approximately 14,500 Kodachrome color slides to his alma mater. The photographs in this collection bridge a thirty-two year span from 1938 to 1969, during which time he extensively documented the United States as well as other countries.” Followup to the posting (04w20:2) on pre-1945 colour photography.

Virtual Worlds | Edward Castronova
“In March 1999, a small number of Californians discovered a new world called ‘Norrath’, populated by an exotic but industrious people. About 12,000 people call this place their permanent home, although some 60,000 are present there at any given time. The nominal hourly wage is about USD 3.42 per hour, and the labors of the people produce a GNP per capita somewhere between that of Russia and Bulgaria. A unit of Norrath’s currency is traded on exchange markets at USD 0.0107, higher than the Yen and the Lira. The economy is characterized by extreme inequality, yet life there is quite attractive to many. The population is growing rapidly, swollen each each day by hundreds of emigres from various places around the globe, but especially the United States. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the new world is its location. Norrath is a virtual world that exists entirely on 40 computers in San Diego. Unlike many internet ventures, virtual worlds are making money — with annual revenues expected to top USD 1.5 billion by 2004 — and if network effects are as powerful here as they have been with other internet innovations, virtual worlds may soon become the primary venue for all online activity.” Followup on the Walrus Article by Clive Thompson (04w21:1) on the economics of internet gaming. (The paper that started it all).

Sticking up for painting | Franklin Einspruch
“I could go on, but my point is that even someone as pro-painting as I am recognizes that art is not a zero-sum game between painting and all other media. Maybe this Gopnik article is a reaction to David Hockney’s recent statements about the superiority of painting, but Gopnik’s thesis is flawed for the same reasons that Hockney’s is. Every medium has particular strengths and weaknesses – otherwise artists wouldn’t prefer one over the other – and all media can be used well or used badly. Gopnik’s attitude is as conservative as Hughes’s, just the other way around. To praise art for being unlike painting is as ridiculous as criticizing it for being unlike painting, and the Post article full of ridiculousness […] Gopnik has an additional problem here that makes him sound desperate while Hughes sounds authoritative – Hughes is writing about a committed painter, Gopnik is not.” Followup to the last posting loosely related to painting.

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emailed by Timothy on Sunday 23 May 2004 @ 2:23 PM