Les Goodreads Nouvelles

by timothy.

Black Must Stay in Us
Black must stay in us
A readymade installation titled Original Sin
(National Post, 2 August 2007)
Bonjour.Maybe you’re getting GR through RSS readers and will have already seen this: that I’m going to start updating the website more, rather than continue the process of merely posting what I’ve mailed out. I think I’ll begin to use the email list for weekly or monthly digests and announcements such as this one, but since Goodreads is run using blogging software I might as well use it as a blog. More review-writing perhaps, more frequent posting, and less emailing. That’s the new direction.Also, August 2007 marked the first time I exceeded my allowable bandwidth, resulting in an extra charge to the account. This is entirely because I made the mistake of offering downloadable audio via the podcast. I’m going to keep an eye on this and if it ends up getting out of hand, the podcast feature may come down. In the meantime, donations are always appreciated and you can find a link to do so (via PayPal) on the website as well as the one below. Through PayPal I’ve suggested the extremely reasonable donation of $5, which is less than I paid for my Friday evening pint. If you’d prefer to send an old-fashioned cheque (since I know some of you who do) then email me about it.

Goodreads fell into the unfortunate habit of only emailing out the things that got posted on the web, the result being an interlock between email and posting which caused nothing but delays. I’ve decided to begin posting more frequently to break both this deadlock and the accumulation of a back-log. Besides what I’ve already mentioned, there’s also the fact that the last Goodreads I sent got rejected by Hotmail and Yahoo as spam, and well, there’s no real need to preserve a pre-RSS service when there are excellent RSS interfaces out there (myself, I recommend Google Reader) .

You may be interested to read my thoughts on ‘The Perils of Bad Writing’ on my blog here, which I just posted. But, as to what I sent out this past week, these are below.

Sincerely, Mr. Timothy

This past week I posted the following links:

On Foreign Memes

The Bus Uncle

Drugs I Wait for You!

***PREVED Bear*****


From Metafilter (2006-03-22): “Превед! Russia’s newest internet craze involves a painting called Bear Surprise [NSFW] by New York artist/musician John Lurie. “Превед”, or “preved”, is an intentional misspelling of “privet”, or “hello” in Russian. There’s a month-old Livejournal community dedicated to the meme and even a branded range of condoms. [Via freewilliamsburg.com]”



The Rich Bitch of August

(Via Metafiler)

[YouTube Video]

Helmsley’s Dog Gets $12 Million in WillLeona Helmsley’s dog will continue to live an opulent life, and then be buried alongside her in a mausoleum. But two of Helmsley’s grandchildren got nothing from the late luxury hotelier and real estate billionaire’s estate. […]

On Gore Vidal

TRUTH NOW: Interview of Gore Vidal | Linda Sutton

Gore Vidal (1993) | Late Night Live, ABC Radio

Long links made short by using Shorty (http://get-shorty.com)
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