04w14:1 Blogs Posted March 30th, 2004 by timothy. Good Reads Mailing List | 2004 week 14 number 1 (blogs) ——————————————————————— On Blogging, Paul Martin and Changing the World | Mara Gulens http://tinyurl.com/2ry9q “Much more than simple online rants, Web logs actually fulfill the primary role of the Internet, claimed Mark Federman, chief strategist at the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto, and the co-author of the recently published McLuhan for Managers — New Tools for New Thinking. […] Blogs are an example of the new reflexive response to globalization. Connected individuals respond to what they see and make their views known. At times they even organize themselves into instant masses of people, sometimes with powerful effects.” Notes on blogging | Terry Teachout http://tinyurl.com/2uejj “1. It’s almost impossible to explain what a blog is to someone who’s never seen one. That’s the mark of a true innovation. […] 6. Blogging puts professionals and amateurs on an even footing. That’s why so many professional writers dislike and distrust it. […] 10. Blogs will be to the 21st century what little magazines were to the 20th century. Their influence will be disproportionate to their circulation.” Guest Posting — Toby Thain | Michael von Blowhard http://www.2blowhards.com/archives/001375.html#001375 NOTE: This post is about digital photography, as Michael has posted an email he recieved from an Australian professional photographer on the difference between digital vs. film. However, the thoughts expressed in the intro are interesting in themselves, and from that I take this teaser. – Tim “In my years of following the arts, the biggest story has seemed to me to be the digitification of culture. […] I went into the culture field wanting to yak about books and movies (etc), and to add some product of my own to the culture stream. Instead, wham: along came computers — and for the last 15-20 years, what’s been most visible in the arts is the way that the various fields are reconfiguring themselves as digital waves sweep through them. We wouldn’t have rap music if music hadn’t gone digital. Magazines, ads and television wouldn’t look the way they do if it weren’t for computers. Bookselling superstores depend on databases. Copyright, distribution, the final experience of culture itself — all are up for grabs because of digital technology.” Tables of Contents | Michael von Blowhard http://www.2blowhards.com/archives/001340.html “Before it’s useful, a ToC now has to be its own intense media experience. I’d argue that these super-ultra-hyper ToCs are also intense electronic-media experiences. Their values — flash, twinkle, fwoof — aren’t the values of traditional magazines; they’re values that come from TV and computers. Tatyana may disagree with me on this, but I’ll also venture that the newfangled ToCs are functions of the computer age. In the first place, of course, Quark and Photoshop are the tools that make this kind of layout possible. In the second place (and as a simple fact of the media biz), the computerizing of the corporate media has given concept people — producers, editors, and designers especially — more power than they used to have, while it has taken power away from such content people as directors and writers. A consequence is that boxes, graphics, visuals, and themes — stuff that producers, editors and designers love — have become an ever more prominent part of our media life. When you buy a big-budget magazine, you’re buying boxes, graphics, etc: a lot of overproduced showbiz, an artifact akin to what the contempo moviebiz is selling.” —————————————- Long links made short by using TinyURL (http://www.tinyurl.com) To remove or add yourself from this list, email tim@goodreads.ca http://goodreads.timothycomeau.com emailed by Timothy on Tuesday 30 March 2004 @ 4:11 PM