08w06:4 Smurfconomy Posted February 9th, 2008 by timothy. Goodreads | 2008 week 06 number 4 (Smurfconomy) Tragedy of the commons explained with Smurfs | Ryan Somma http://www.scq.ubc.ca/tragedy-of-the-commons-explained-with-smurfs/ “Our Earth is filled with finite resources that we, as the Human Race, exploit for personal gain. Oil, Fish Stocks, Forests, Clean Air, and water are just a few of the resources that nobody “owns,” but everybody needs in order to survive. However, in our current system, nobody who is taking away these natural resources from the whole of us has to pay back into the natural system. Thus, there is a great incentive to consume all of the available resources before somebody else gets to them, Garrett Hardin called this nuance the ‘Tragedy of the Commons.’ Let’s take Smurfs as a natural resource. There are 100 smurfs living in smurf village and they do not reproduce. Every Saturday in the 1980s, entertainment producers broadcast a show documenting the life and times of Smurf Village, and made money from the advertising revenue brought in from millions of viewers watching the show. The cartoon’s producers use the smurfs in the manufacture of intellectual goods.”
08w06:3 The Bubblegum Sequencer Posted February 3rd, 2008 by timothy. Goodreads | 2008 week 06 number 3 (The Bubblegum Sequencer) The Bubblegum Sequencer | Hannes Hesse, Andrew McDiarmid and Rosie Han http://backin.de/gumball/ “The Bubblegum Sequencer is a physical step sequencer that lets you create drumloops by arranging colored balls on a tangible surface. It generates MIDI events and can be used as an input device to control audio hardware and software. Finally, people can’t claim anymore that electronic music isn’t handmade. Here’s how it works: A grid of holes, consisting of several rows with 16 holes each is the canvas. On it, you arrange colored gumballs. The 16 columns represent the 16th-notes in a measure. Each color is mapped to a specific sample. Because the output is generated in the form of MIDI events, the Bubblegum Sequencer can be used to control any kind of audio hardware or software.”
08w06:2 Online Store Goldberg Machine Posted February 3rd, 2008 by timothy. Goodreads | 2008 week 06 number 2 (Online Store Goldberg Machine) See it to believe it. HEMA http://producten.hema.nl/?whatthefark (via Reddit)
08w06:1 Man & Computer 1965 Posted February 3rd, 2008 by timothy. Goodreads | 2008 week 06 number 1 (Man & Computer 1965)
08w05:2 Performance Art – Frozen in New York Posted February 1st, 2008 by timothy. Goodreads | 2008 week 05 number 02 (Performance Art – Frozen in New York)