Archive for 2004

04w02:1 Goodreads Mailing List

by timothy.


I am beginning an email list of some of the more interesting articles I have found on the net. I will send the links to new articles to this list.

As someone who has made it into my address book for some reason, you are on this list.


The first selections are:

Forgery and Plagiarism | Denis Dutton

What will happen when a national political machine can fit on a laptop? A: See below
“Back in 1937, an economist named Ronald Coase realized something that helped explain the rise of modern corporations — and which just might explain the coming decline of the American two-party political system. Coase’s insight was this: The cost of gathering information determines the size of organizations. It sounds abstract, but in the past it meant that complex tasks undertaken on vast scales required organizational behemoths…”

Past articles I have found are archived at

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To remove yourself from this list, click and send
emailed by Timothy on Tuesday 13 January 2004 @ 10:15 PM