07w42:7 Chasing Transcendence: The Self Posted October 21st, 2007 by timothy. Goodreads | 2007 week 42 number 7 (Chasing Transcendence: The Self) Recorded at the University of Toronto, Tuesday 16 October 2007 http://goodreads.timothycomeau.com/shorty/chasing_the_self/ Chasing Transcendence: The Self – Oct 16, 2007 The Wiegand Memorial Foundation Lecture Series Bas C. van Fraassen Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University “Whenever we reflect upon ourselves, we quickly end up in difficulty. As the philosopher Wittgenstein quipped, ‘I am not a thing, but I am not nothing.’ The Transcendent Self is not just a myth – but it is precisely in myths that it can be understood. By portraying human beings in the company of gods, myths express what is true about the Self and our place in nature.”