07w42:3 Hollywood's Devices Posted October 16th, 2007 by timothy. Goodreads | 2007 week 42 number 3 (Hollywood’s Devices) Tools of the Trade | Nicole LaPorte Link “Because of the sprint to digitize—many agencies have gone ‘paperless,’ and BlackBerrys are upgraded as frequently as Lindsay Lohan’s sobriety status—Hollywood’s ferociously self-protected hierarchies are being upended. […] Meanwhile, gone are gracefully passive-aggressive tactics such as the old ‘canyon’ excuse: ‘What’s that? You’re breaking up . . .’ This was used when wireless service was sketchy and inconvenient (or unpleasant) cellphone calls needed to be cut off quickly. […] You are your phone. Prius, shmius—what’s in your pocket? If it’s a BlackBerry Curve, you’re someone who lives in the moment and “gets” it, as opposed to those still stuck with the BlackBerry 8700. Treo (any model)? You’re an amateur, I’m afraid, not to mention living in 2006. IPhone? An artiste with vision, as long as you weren’t suckered into buying it at $599. BlackBerry 8830 World carrier? See you in Cannes!”
www.latesthollywoodgossip.info » 07w42:3 Hollywood’s Devices says: 17 October 2007 at 12:36 am […] Timothy wrote a fantastic post today on “07w42:3 Hollywoodâ??s Devices”Here’s ONLY a quick extract“Because of the sprint to digitize—many agencies have gone ‘paperless,’ and BlackBerrys are upgraded as frequently as Lindsay Lohan’s sobriety status—Hollywood’s ferociously self-protected hierarchies are being upended. [… … […]