07w36:3 Foreign Memes Posted September 4th, 2007 by timothy. Good Reads Mailing List | 2007 week 36 number 3 (Foreign Memes) The Bus Uncle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bus_Uncle Drugs I Wait for You! http://englishrussia.com/?p=1369 Preved Bear http://community.livejournal.com/ru_preved/ From Metafilter (2006-03-22): “Превед! Russia’s newest internet craze involves a painting called Bear Surprise [NSFW] by New York artist/musician John Lurie. “Превед”, or “preved”, is an intentional misspelling of “privet”, or “hello” in Russian. There’s a month-old Livejournal community dedicated to the meme and even a branded range of condoms. [Via freewilliamsburg.com]” http://readrussia.com/a_1_2007_4.htm http://www.freewilliamsburg.com/archives/2006/03/post.html