07w36:1 Gore Vidal Posted September 2nd, 2007 by timothy. Good Reads Mailing List | 2007 week 36 number 1 (Gore Vidal) Things change. Goodreads as a website will be updated more frequently. I won’t be sending out an email for everything that goes up on the site – the email list might continue as a weekly or monthly digest of updates or I may stop using it entirely, we’ll see. It’s just I’m coming across stuff worthy of posting on a more frequent basis right now and it would be easier for me to post them right away – like any other blogger – than continue on something that began in the pre-RSS days, and when Goodreads was only meant to be an index of article links and not a blog. Also, for the first time ever I exceeded my allowable bandwidth, resulting in an extra charge to the account. This is entirely the fault of offering downloadable audio. Now more than ever I’d appreciate a donation if you’d like to offer one. TRUTH NOW: Interview of Gore Vidal | Linda Sutton http://www.atlanticfreepress.com/content/view/2258/81/ Gore Vidal (1993) | Late Night Live, ABC Radio http://www.abc.net.au/rn/latenightlive/stories/2007/2000408.htm