05w08:1 Paris Hilton Antoinette Posted February 21st, 2005 by timothy. Good Reads Mailing List | 2005 week 8 number 1 (Paris Hilton Antoinette) You may have heard about this Paris Hilton thing … about her cellphone getting hacked over the weekend, and all the details (including celebrity phone numbers, her email, and photos) have been posted on the web….the invasion of privacy thing might have some weight if they weren’t always trying to sell us stuff and convince they’re so godamn special. Besides, she’s wicked (see reading #2). So, it’s with pleasure that I do my part to bring the world this magic link. – TimothyPS: Who knows how long it will be up, so if it’s gone by the time you check it, apologies. ——————————————————————— Somebody got hizacked | Anonymous http://www.sunroad.pe.kr/paris/ We’ll never have Paris again | Lloyd Grove http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/264804p-226754c.html “The arc of Paris’ ‘career’ – from rich, witless party girl to rich, witless party girl with a hit television show – is an insult to the American sense of fairness: the idea that you get ahead by working hard, playing by the rules and acquiring a skill of some sort. Paris has bothered with none of the above, and yet society continues to reward her with money and fame. The British actor Stephen Fry put it best when he observed recently to Lowdown that being Paris ‘takes a startling vanity, an enormous lack of selfknowledge and a huge amount of greed and desire.’ What is it about this otherwise unremarkable 23-year-old that can provoke such seething outrage? Let me count the ways….” —————————————- http://goodreads.timothycomeau.com To remove or add yourself to this list, go here emailed by Timothy on Monday 21 February 2005 @ 1:33 AM