04w21:2 Thoughts on Painting

by timothy.


Good Reads Mailing List 2004 week 21 number 2 (thoughts on painting)


The next big thing? There isn’t one | Adrian Searle
“Current art is marked, if anything, by its plurality. One might also talk about there being many art worlds: international and local, the world of alternative spaces and that of museums; and all those galleries that specialise in their different ways, and who sell to very different kinds of collector. And all those tribes of artists, with their friendship patterns, animosities, their competitiveness and career jealousies, their divergent beliefs and world views. There is less conformity than one might think. […] There are good figurative paintings and bad (often good or bad for very different reasons), just as there is good and bad video art, photography, sculpture and so on. The assumption that figurative painting in particular is under threat, or somehow ignored by public and private institutions[…]is actually a nonsense.”

Embracing the Art of Hacking | Michelle Delio
“…a new book by programmer Paul Graham gives the concept a fresh twist by advising hackers to improve their skills by borrowing creative techniques from other artists. Billed as a guide into the minds and motivations of hackers, Hackers & Painters, [is] due to be released by O’Reilly Media later this month […] Graham slams the artistic conceit that all art is good and taste is purely subjective, pointing out that if you aren’t willing to say that some creations aren’t beautiful then you’ll never develop the aesthetic muscles necessary to define and develop good work. Graham steers programmers, writers and other artists toward simplicity, making the point that ornate stylistic embellishments often cover up lack of substance, whether you are writing a computer application or a novel. He urges anyone who is involved in creative work not to get pretentious and to retain her or his sense of humor, noting that ‘good design may not have to be funny, but it’s hard to imagine something that could be called humorless also being good design.’ ”

Hackers and Painters | Paul Graham
“When I finished grad school in computer science I went to art school to study painting. A lot of people seemed surprised that someone interested in computers would also be interested in painting. They seemed to think that hacking and painting were very different kinds of work– that hacking was cold, precise, and methodical, and that painting was the frenzied expression of some primal urge. Both of these images are wrong. Hacking and painting have a lot in common. In fact, of all the different types of people I’ve known, hackers and painters are among the most alike.”

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emailed by Timothy on Friday 21 May 2004 @ 1:56 PM